Life With Lupus


Quick stats about the movie

Danielle Gnidec balances school, work and her blossoming dance career with taking care of her mother Karen, a lupus patient.

Everyday she and her sisters do what they can to make their mother’s treatment easier. Sacrifice and commitment hold this family together in a time of uncertainty.

Creative team

Director: Giovanna Gatto
Producer: Jessica Reis

Director’s statement

Giovanna Gatto says:

“This film is very close to my heart. Being a close friend of Danielle’s, I have not only heard all about her mother’s struggle with lupus, but been with her through it.

I have wanted to be able to tell their story since I began film school and having the chance has meant a lot to me.

Not many people know about lupus but through this film I hope people not only learn about lupus but also its impact on a patient and their family.”

About Giovanna Gatto


Giovanna Gatto is going into her fourth year at Humber College in the Film and Media Productions Bachelor of Applied Arts program.

Life with Lupus is her first short film. She has worked as production designer on many school projects as well as a professional music video.

Giovanna works as a circus artist with A2D2 ~ Aerial Dance Cirque Company where she performs, trains and teaches regularly.  She also interns with A2D2, editing and doing media relations.

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