Announcing participants for new NSI Crew Training for the Film + TV Industry, presented by Creative Saskatchewan

NSI Crew Training for the Film and TV Industry participants

Rachel Young

Outreach and Engagement Lead

Training began this week for 19 Saskatchewan residents hoping to break into the film and TV business through the National Screen Institute’s Crew Training for the Film + TV Industry, presented by Creative Saskatchewan.

In this brand-new, entry-level pilot program Saskatchewan residents aged 18 or older learn the logistics and process of how a script evolves into on-screen magic. The program showcases career possibilities, provides industry connections and inspires a passion for filmmaking.

The National Screen Institute and Creative Saskatchewan are proud to introduce the 19 selected participants:

Read more about the participants.

“Film and TV is bringing big business into Saskatchewan,” says Erin Dean, CEO of Creative Saskatchewan. “We’re proud to work with a training partner nationally renowned for its high-quality programming to prepare the next generation of filmmakers to meet industry demand. The skill sets obtained in this industry lead to well-paying careers and are transferable across sectors, creating strong economic spin-offs for the province.”

“We hope to inspire a passion for filmmaking, educate the participants on career possibilities in the film industry and immerse them in the wonder that is filmmaking,” says program advisor Lesley Oswald.

This week, participants are working through a series of online learning modules covering different aspects of the industry, including script writing, set orientation, locations, background performing, post production and essential paperwork.

Once completed, participants will attend a six-day, intensive, in-person workshop in Regina where they will experience what it’s like to work in the industry and immerse themselves in the production of a short film. Participants will schedule, budget, prep, cast, scout, location survey, tech survey, shoot and edit their project using an iPhone and iMovie. Participants will receive a $600 stipend upon successful completion of the training.

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NSI Crew Training for the Film + TV Industry is funded by Presenting Partner Creative Saskatchewan; Program Partner Reel Canada; Provincial Partner Saskatchewan Media Production Industry Association (SMPIA); Service Sponsors TWA Solutions, The Wireless Age. NSI Core Funders are Manitoba Sport, Culture & Heritage and the City of Winnipeg through the Winnipeg Arts Council.

About Creative Saskatchewan

Creative Saskatchewan is the economic development agency for Saskatchewan’s creative industries. Creative Saskatchewan unlocks the potential of the creative industries and fuels the economic engine of homegrown talent, converting creativity into cashflow. The agency’s investments propel creative entrepreneurs as they create, perform, innovate and export in their pursuit of commercial success.

Creative Saskatchewan funds seven industry associations, amplifying their members’ skills, and helping them build extraordinary careers.

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About the National Screen Institute – Canada (NSI)

We partner with a visionary network of donors, businesses, and private and public organizations to provide industry-informed training in screen-based media, equipping creators across Canada with the skills to tell unforgettable stories.

By prioritizing storytellers from equity-deserving communities – including Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC), women, LGBTQ2S+, people with disabilities, and those in regional and remote areas – we help build a more sustainable industry and a workforce ready to meet evolving market demands.

Our students and alumni find their voices and places on the global stage, strengthening the creative economy and shaping a better world.

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The National Screen Institute is supported by: Core Funders: Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage, the City of Winnipeg through the Winnipeg Arts Council; Benefactors: TELUS, Telefilm Canada, Canada Media Fund (CMF), Department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE); Patrons: CBC, Paramount+, Creative Saskatchewan; Builders: APTN, TikTok Canada, Indigenous Screen Office (ISO), The Winnipeg Foundation; Strategic Sponsors: Manitoba Film & Music, Bell Media, RBC Emerging Artists, documentary Channel, CBC Gem, Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CAHRD), Alberta Film Commission, Creative BC, Manitoba Arts Council; Industry Partner: National Film Board of Canada; Friends: Ontario Creates, Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), Bell FundWilliam F. White International, Company 3.