IndigiDocs students filming 3

Roll credits!

Our private donors play more than a supporting role when it comes to making our programming accessible to underrepresented voices across Canada. They share the spotlight when one of our grads realizes success in the film, television and digital media industries.

In our last alumni survey, 82% of respondents reported they are working in the sector. Thank you for your investment.

Pat & Dave Argle
Rhonda Baker
Norm Bolen
Kenneth Boyce
CanadaHelps Partner Giving Program
Diane Charles – In honour of good loving Canadian filmmakers
Eva Colmers
Glynis Corkal – In memory of Hubert Kuehl
Jean du Toit
Erica Daniels
Darkling Pictures Inc.
Marcia Douglas
Robert Eisenberg
Josh Epstein
Kristine Estorninos
Federgreen Entertainment Inc. and Indiecan Entertainment Inc.
Jason Filiatrault
Frantic Films
Laura Friesen
Allegra Fulton
Cal Garingan
Jessica Gibson
Prem Gill
John Gill
Therese ‘Tag’ Goulet
Kim Guise
Gusto Worldwide Media
Melanie Hadley
Helen Haig-Brown
Brian Hamilton
Angela Heck
Trevor Hodgson
Vera Houle
Liz Hover
Elizabeth Janzen
Terry Janzen
Maureen Judge
Marlene Kendall


In honour of Kaiden Klassen
Karen Lam
Annelise Larson
Ursula Lawson
Little Engine Moving Pictures – In memory of Cheryl Stacey
Joy Loewen
Joy & John Loewen
Penny McCann
Carissa McCart
Todd McCauley – In memory of Trudy Stewart
Jason Margolis
Jan Miller
Nüman Films
David Paperny
Jeff Peeler
Brad Pelman
David Pollock
Paul Popeski Law Office
Prairie Dog Film and Television
Shelly Quade
Rachel Robinson
Remembrance Pictures Inc.
Roma Executive Search
Mickey Rogers
Screenpages Inc.
Angus Swantee
Elise Swerhone
Rudy Thauberger
The Brian Linehan Charitable Foundation
E. Jane Thompson
Virginia Thompson – Vérité Films
Chris Vajcner
Mary & Alex Vajcner
Scott Westby
Kaya Wheeler
Wild Forest Inc.
Adam Vert – In honour of Shanua Vert
Carole Vivier
14 anonymous donors

This list reflects donations made up to July 2021