Kiss & Tell

Kiss & Tell short film

Quick stats about the movie

A dreamy meditation on the feeling of being transported back to a romantic memory every time you walk by the place where it happened.

Creative team

Writer/director: Jackie Hoffart

Filmmaker’s statement

With Kiss & Tell, I wanted to take on some emotional dislocation I was experiencing at the time with respect to a handful of geographic locations throughout the city and the intimate, exciting moments I had once experienced there. But I wanted to foreground the experience of remembering – to translate that haunting, private feeling of regret, heartbreak and nostalgia that wash over me every time I pass by these places.

I’m grateful to Jon Thomas, my DP, who provided the gear and the expertise on shifting frame rates, and Naomi Mark who provided assistance and guidance at every step of the process.

About Jackie Hoffart

Jackie Hoffart

Jackie Hoffart is an escapee from Vancouver’s film and TV production grind, now bouncing much more happily from film festival to film festival, working behind the scenes in communications and logistics.

She does stand-up comedy once or twice a week around Vancouver, and is in production on her next documentary How To Bury a Housecat (When You Don’t Have a Yard).

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